Esse-Pi s.n.c
P.O Box 129
20089 Rozzano(Milano)
T 0039 02 825 9031
F 0039 02 825 3710

Thank you for contacting us

will be' contacted within 24/48 hours."; $txt_error = "
"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred // ### GERMAN TRANSLATION ### /* $email_subject = "Anfrage an"; // error messages $err_name = "Bitte Namen angeben."; $err_phone = "Bitte Telefon angeben."; $err_msg = "Formulieren Sie bitte Ihr Anliegen."; $err_email = "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Email Adresse an."; // misc text $msg_date = "Datum"; $msg_company = "Firma"; $msg_name = "Name"; $msg_address = "Adresse"; $msg_city = "PLZ/Ort"; $msg_phone = "Fon"; $msg_email = "Email"; $msg_answerby = "Antwort per"; $txt_email = "Email"; $txt_phone = "Telefon"; $txt_post = "Post"; $txt_send = "Abschicken"; $txt_mandatory = "Pflichtfeld"; $msg_request = "Anfrage"; // messages $txt_thankyou = "

Danke für Ihr Interesse!

Ihre Anfrage wurde verschickt und Sie werden baldmöglichst kontaktiert werden.
"; $txt_error = "

Bitte beachten Sie folgendes:

"; // {errors} is replaced by the errors that occurred */ // ################ END CONFIG ################# function spaces($num, $fill=" "){ $foo=""; for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) $foo.=$fill; return $foo; } function isValidEmail($addr){ if(eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$", $addr)) return true; else return false; } // start form evaluation $error="foo"; if ($_REQUEST['do']=="send"){ $error=false; if ($_REQUEST['name']=="") $error.="» $err_name
"; if ($_REQUEST['firma']=="") $error.="» $err_firma
"; if ($_REQUEST['fon']=="") $error.="» $err_phone
"; if ($_REQUEST['message']=="") $error.="» $err_msg
"; if (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST['email'])) $error.="» $err_email
"; if ($error===false){ $message="$msg_date:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_date)).date("d M Y, H:i", time()); if ($_REQUEST['firma']) $message.="\n$msg_company:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_company)).$_REQUEST['firma']; if ($_REQUEST['name']) $message.="\n$msg_name:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_name)).$_REQUEST['name']; if ($_REQUEST['adresse']) $message.="\n$msg_address:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_address)).$_REQUEST['adresse']; if ($_REQUEST['ort']) $message.="\n$msg_city:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_city)).$_REQUEST['ort']; if ($_REQUEST['fon']) $message.="\n$msg_phone:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_phone)).$_REQUEST['fon']; $message.="\n$msg_email:".spaces($msg_indent-strlen($msg_email))."mailto:".$_REQUEST['email']; $message.="\n\n".spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "="); $message.="\n$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt']."!\n"; $message.=spaces(strlen("$msg_answerby ".$_REQUEST['kontakt'])+1, "="); $message.="\n\n$msg_request:\n\n".$_REQUEST['message']; mail($target_address, $email_subject, $message, "From: ".$_REQUEST['email']); echo $txt_thankyou; }else if ($error!==false) $error=str_replace("{errors}", $error, $txt_error); } if ($error!==false){ if($error!="foo") echo $error; // form echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
$msg_company*\n"; echo "
$msg_name*\n"; echo "
$msg_address\n"; echo "
$msg_city\n"; echo "
$msg_phone*\n"; echo "
$msg_email*\n"; echo "
$msg_answerby* $txt_email  \n"; //echo " $txt_phone  \n"; //echo " $txt_post\n"; echo "
 * $txt_mandatory
"; echo "Under Article 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Privacy Code) Esse-Pi s.n.c inform you about: The information you provided (user, nickname, email and password) are designed to access the private area of our site to access the following services: a-b-c- My account are stored in electronic format in the database of the website on the server host, are not disclosed to third parties except in accordance with the laws of the state and is protected by appropriate security measures against risks of loss, destruction, unauthorized access. The confermation of data is optional, refusal or irregular provision will make it impossible to subscribe to it.
"; echo "
\n"; } /* ######################### END Contact Form ########################## ##################################################################### */ ?>